
Goodness Graceous

Are Eyelash Extensions for You?

You really want long, curled lashes but false eyelashes are out – too fake looking and time consuming to glue on. The best option is eyelash extensions where the lash stylist does all the work and you just need to keep up appearances by returning for fillers every 3 to 4 weeks.

Eyelash extensions involve gluing on individual lashes to each of your own lashes. How long and how lush will depend on what you decide. Your Graceous lash consultant will advise, taking into account your eye and face shape, and lash condition.

The process will take up to 1 and half hours the first time, and maybe about an hour when you return for fillers. Once the lash extensions are in place, you need to maintain your lashes to keep them from falling off. So, no wetting your face for the first 24 hours. And no oil-based cleansers.

After the first day though, you are free to go eye makeup-free if you so wish. Hop out of bed, shower and zip out of the house, knowing your pretty new lashes are dressing your eyes.

Oil and Heat
Obviously, anything that will weaken the lash glue is a no-no. This includes oil-based eye skincare products and makeup removers as well as steam from facial steamers and saunas.

Fit and fabulous
Running, gym training, Zumba, yoga – all are possible with lash extensions. Flushed and sweating while batting your long lashes… what could be sexier?

Swim on
Swimming in chlorinated pool or sea water is fine but you should dry your lashes as soon as you get out of the water. Your lash consultant will recommend lash care products.

Don’t touch
It’s a good thing that with Covid19, we’ve trained ourselves not to touch our faces. You definitely shouldn’t be rubbing your eyes especially with lash extensions.

So, now that you know what you can and cannot do, make that appointment to choose the lash style you’ve always wanted.

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